WEQX is the indie-alternative-rock radio station that I like to credit for saving my life, rather than "rock and roll," in general. Extreme? Yes, but to each their own. I first heard about this station after attending a G. Love and Special Sauce show at Revolution Hall, but didn't become a dedicated fan until I went through a particularly painful break-up.
I was driving to work on a sunny day, about 3 days after said break-up, feeling like shit. I turned on 102.7 and these empowering vocals were blaring from my speakers, so naturally I turned up the volume and let it all wash over me. Come to find out, it was "Oscar Wilde" by Company of Thieves. Upbeat rhythm/solid riffs. That combined with the lead singer's amazing voice it made me feel a bit more like myself. Also, the lyrics were exactly what I needed to hear to help me re frame my poop frame-o-mind. poop.
'We are all our own devil
And we make this world,
We make this world our hell
Time keeps on ticking away
It's always running away...'
While it wasn't an overnight transformation, I continually started to feel better, utilizing music as my therapy. To boot, the witty radio personalities did their share to introduce me to new tunes and bands. Some I loved, some I hated, and some I started to follow more diligently. Company of Thieves being one of those bands. I was stoked to hear they were coming to the Cap Reg. I bought my ticket the day I heard of their upcoming arrival. $16 well spent. This was their 3rd visit to Albany since '09. It's solid that they keep coming back to Upstate NY and appreciate their fan base here.
Friday night rolled around, I went with my friend Meach who didn't have a ticket. The show was sold out, but she miraculously found a ticket at the last minute...Music Gods, how you look down on us at all the right times, thank you.
They graced the stage pretty late, the fact that I'm even commenting on their stage arrival makes me feel uncool, but I suppose I am.
Genivieve sounds like a mix of Regina Spektor and Amy Winehouse...soft when necessary but edgy for the most part. She didn't disappoint live at all, I left that night impressed. The intensity and effort she puts forth into her performance was noticed, you can tell she isn't trying to be someone she isn't. Those "pour your heart into everything you do" vibes ooze from each band member.
From the start they had the crowds attention and kept it throughout the set. Their explosive and defiant lyrics are sometimes a mind-f*ck but I like a song that makes me think. They played a mix of new and old tunes. Their new album, Running From a Gamble, has so many catchy tracks. Favorites include: "Queen of Hearts" and "Death of Communication," which were played. Even their slower jams were captivating that night at Jillian's of Albany. The band had a lot of former members come and go, but the current 4 jive together nicely...nice enough to put on a good show.
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