“I want my music to sound like throwing yourself out of a tree, or off a
tall building, or as if you’re being sucked down into the ocean and you can’t
breathe,” says Florence
Welch. “It’s something overwhelming and all-encompassing that fills you up, and
you’re either going to explode with it, or you’re just going to disappear.”
I honestly don't know how to start this post about
Florence and the Machine. I was going to
allow the performance to sink in a bit more and share later in the week, but I
have so much elation and emotion ruminating that if I wait I may explode! I
feel, at best, this post will be more catharsis than a review.
First off, for the record, I do not believe in magic. I think it's creepy, for lack of a better term. I
never saw Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and those of the like because wizards
scare me, casting spells will forever remind me of Voodoo, and even though I
admired most every Disney movie; I had more of an affinity to the love story
behind each rather than the underlying magical themes. So, with that said, to
describe last night ...it was MAGICAL.
was bewitching. A Good Witch, like the Glenda of the
UK. The magic combined with The Law
of Attraction made for a stunning evening, one which I will gladly keep in my
heart forever.
Florence and
her machine came to visit Upstate NY on September 16th, 2012 at Saratoga
Performing Arts Center and it was nothing short of spectacular. Ordering the
tickets back in May felt like a decade ago, but it was well worth the wait.
Like every Sunday, I lead my yoga class at
Hot Yoga Saratoga. This class, I made a
Florence Inspired play list, which included all of my favorites. Some of the
other teachers at the studio and myself all had tickets to the show and figured
we'd make a whole evening of it. We all took class together, which is rare
since our busy schedules usually conflict, but all 5 Bikram Teachers and myself
were in the studio at the same time, practicing next to each other. It was a
beautiful class too. I really sank into my practice and before I knew it, class
was over. I digress...
Donned in gold, sparkles, feathers and Flo inspired attire; we made our way
into the venue. My excitement was similar to a 5 year old on Christmas morning.
Since I first heard, 'Dog Days Are Over' I immediately coveted
Florence's music. The
Lungs, consists of so many songs that I've attached to positive
and negative memories. When
Ceremonials was released it's as if she stole my
journal and wrote about my heartache with lovers and family, beautiful love
I've experienced and all of life's sublime yet delicate transitions and
milestones. Her romanticized lyrics and strong vocals not only pull at your
heartstrings but sometimes punch you in the stomach, metaphorically, of course.
Florence has a way of
captivating the listener in such a way that when her song is playing you can't
help but lose your original train of thought or arogantly turn the volume up. For me, her songs take me
elsewhere, and as mentioned in the quote above, they oftentimes leave me short
of breath. Needless to say, I felt so lucky to be at her show.
Her stage presence was fierce. She had a fearless way of sucking you in.
However, she is the opposite of her performance persona.
Florence's voice was feminine and humble. She
requested the crowd show off their loved ones, friends and family. She also
asked each of us to turn to someone unfamiliar and say hello, to create a
cohesive bond between concert-goers. I did as requested and sitting behind us
was another yoga practitioner! There was no question that Florence's peaceful demeanor
transcends off the stage and into the crowd. She is full of love.....she must do yoga. ; )
The "machine" consisted of so many talented people. The harp, the
drums, the tambourine are all elements that seem so simple, but visualizing
everything together, rather than hearing the songs on my iPod, made for a
jaw-dropping experience.
modern movements on stage, bare feet, and her red hair and long limbs wailing
about added so much honest drama. Her performance was unique to September 16th,
her words, her songs, her laughter was all a once-in-a-life-time event for
everyone there last night.
The energy level was high, so high that
Florence ran into the crowd and around the
orchestra level, and also right in front of our seats! I was able to grab her
hand as she skipped by and I was in heaven the rest of the night. I am the
epitome of not cool, so touching
hand made me shriek like a 12 year old meeting the Beibs, but WHATEVER, it
happened. If you are familiar with the book, The Secret, then you understand
what I mean when I say, "I attracted
into my life." From the play list, to the admiration, to the clothes we
wore, to the crowd I was with...it couldn't have been more perfect.
I could go on and on about this fantastical night, but I'll leave it at that. I
believe my mild obsession is healthy. 3 years have passed since the release of
her first album and I still listen to her daily. I heard all but one of my
favorite songs last night, but she made up for it by grabbing my hand. She is
independent, unique and damn creative. She writes her songs from the pit of her
stomach and the bottom of her heart, she is a true artist...and those traits
are what I admire most.
And although there is so much time to continue to rank my favorite shows,
she now hold place number 2, falling right below The Avett Brothers.
Her music is for lovers, for friends, for family and for
friends-made-family. I am so thankful that this concert took place, at this
exact time in my life. :)